Tiger Woods opens The Genesis Invitational in 72

Tiger Woods Returns to PGA Tour Tiger Woods makes his comeback to professional golf with a solid round marred by a notorious shank.

Woods' Human Moment Despite his legendary status, Tiger Woods demonstrates his fallibility with a relatable golf blunder.

The Dreaded Shank Woods' iron shot on the 18th hole turns disastrous as he shanks it into the woods.

Woods' Reaction Woods acknowledges the shank with a smile, admitting to the media that he indeed "shanked it."

Back Troubles Woods attributes the shank to his back "spazzing" during the final holes of the round.

Humility in Sport Even golfing icons like Tiger Woods face challenges, showcasing the humbling nature of sports.

Redemption Despite the shank, Woods manages to recover and finish the hole with a bogey.

Long Time Coming It's been a while since Woods last experienced such a mishap on the course.

Pursuit of Records Woods needs one more win to break the tie with Sam Snead for the most wins on tour.

Return to Competition This marks Woods' first round of professional golf since last year's Open Championship.